Dove's marketing campaign titled "Evolution" was a viral film created in Canada for the Dove Self-Esteem Fund and has won the Film Grand Prix at the Cannes Advertising awards held in France in June, 2007. The film was created to demonstrate how photographs may be altered to fit into what society would view as "beautiful". The message behind this video is that women should not try to imitate images seen in advertisements and they should embrace their own personal beauty.
Their latest Campaigns include actions to support aging, called Pro-age, and increasing awareness of the influence the media has on children, called Onslaught (the TV ad for Onslaught is to the right of the screen and is called "Media & Children).
Their latest Campaigns include actions to support aging, called Pro-age, and increasing awareness of the influence the media has on children, called Onslaught (the TV ad for Onslaught is to the right of the screen and is called "Media & Children).